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QuizMate Product Information
What is QuizMate?
QuizMate is a Chrome extension using advanced AI to streamline learning. Get quick answers and summaries of complex material. Reduce search, reading, and study time.
How to use QuizMate?
With the click of a button, QuizMate will provide you with a quick and concise answer in no time. Our AI-powered assistant is always ready to help you with your queries and guide you through your learning journey. You can also use QuizMate’s right click tool to get answers on any web page.
How does QuizMate work?
QuizMate uses advanced AI to provide quick and accurate answers to your questions. It can also summarize complex material to help you study efficiently.
Which learning platforms does QuizMate integrate with?
QuizMate seamlessly integrates with popular learning platforms like Canvas and McGraw Hill, providing you with instant assistance while browsing these platforms.
Is my data secure with QuizMate?
Yes, QuizMate ensures the security of your data. We never store your personal information or questions.
How fast are QuizMate’s AI-driven answers?
QuizMate’s AI constantly evolves to provide accurate and relevant answers. It is 10x faster than its competitors.