
SpendSights assists in analyzing spending, categorizes transactions, and offers financial insights.
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SpendSights Product Information

What is SpendSights?
SpendSights is a tool that helps you analyze your spendings by processing your bank statements, categorizing transactions, and providing financial insights.
How to use SpendSights?
To use SpendSights, you can either directly upload your bank statements or set up automatic email forwarding from your inbox. The tool automatically categorizes your transactions based on vendor, date, and amount. You can also create your own categories and train the AI to recognize similar transactions in the future.
Can SpendSights read my SMSes or personal messages?
No, SpendSights does not read SMSes or personal messages. It processes bank statements directly, ensuring privacy.
Do I have to manually enter my transactions?
No, SpendSights automatically categorizes transactions based on vendor, date, and amount, avoiding the need for manual entry.
Do I need to provide my banking credentials or OTP?
No, SpendSights does not require banking credentials or OTP. It operates without accessing your financial statements directly.
What if there are data sync issues with my bank or expense tracking application?
SpendSights ensures that your data stays up-to-date by allowing direct upload of bank statements or automatic email forwarding, minimizing data sync issues.
What is a Progressive Web App (PWA)?
SpendSights is built as a Progressive Web App (PWA), which provides a native app-like experience on Android, iOS, and desktop devices. PWAs can be installed and used offline as well.

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