Univerbal (formerly Quazel)

With an AI tutor, you can learn new languages.
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Univerbal (formerly Quazel) Product Information

What is Univerbal?
Learn new languages with your AI tutor. Talk freely, with no judgment, and receive instant feedback on grammar and vocabulary. Practice and apply your skills in real-life scenarios or create your own topics.
How to use Univerbal?
Download the Univerbal app on your mobile phone. Select a language to learn and start talking about any topic you want. Receive instant feedback from your AI tutor to improve your language skills.
What is Univerbal?
Univerbal is an AI Language Tutor that helps you learn new languages through conversations and instant feedback.
How does Univerbal work?
Univerbal uses AI technology to provide fluent conversations and real-time feedback on grammar and vocabulary.
How do I learn with Univerbal?
Download the Univerbal app and start talking about any topic you want. Receive instant feedback from your AI tutor to improve your language skills.
What languages are supported?
Univerbal currently supports 22 languages, including English, Spanish, French, Japanese, and more.
What if I don’t speak another language yet?
Univerbal is designed for learners of all levels. It can help you start learning a new language from scratch.
How much does Univerbal cost?
Pricing information is not available. Please contact us for more details.
I want to learn another language that wasn’t available.
Univerbal currently supports 22 languages. If the language you want to learn is not available, please contact us and we will consider adding it in the future.
What are Univerbal’s data protection policies?
Univerbal takes data protection seriously. Our policies ensure the privacy and security of your personal information.
How can I delete my account?
To delete your Univerbal account, please contact our customer support and they will guide you through the process.

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