Venture Matching

AI-driven Predictive Investing and Venture Alignment
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Venture Matching Product Information

What is Parsers VC?
AI-based Predictive Investments and Venture Matching platform
How to use Parsers VC?
Add a startup or VC website and select the best match from the PI list. We’ll connect the pair by email.
What is Parsers VC?
Parsers VC is an AI-based Predictive Investments and Venture Matching platform that connects startups and VCs based on 26 parameters.
How does Parsers VC work?
Users can add a startup or VC website and select the best match from the PI list. Parsers VC will connect the pair by email.
What information does Parsers VC provide?
Parsers VC provides hot intros for the best deals of startups and VCs, access to startup funding rounds, active VCs, investments, company valuations, as well as LinkedIn and email information of the team, founders, and partners.

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