Vetted AI

Discover the top products and best prices effortlessly based on reliable reviews.
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Vetted AI Product Information

What is Vetted?
Vetted enables shoppers to effortlessly discover the brands and products most recommended for their needs – based on reviews from trusted sources on platforms such as Reddit, YouTube, and other reputable expert sites.
How to use Vetted?
Vetted is available on the web or as a browser extension. Simply install the extension or visit the website, and then search for the product or brand you are interested in. Vetted will compare reviews and prices across merchants, track changes, and deliver alerts when there’s a sale.
How is Vetted different from Honey?
Vetted and Honey are both shopping tools, but Vetted focuses on analyzing reviews and brand reputation in addition to price comparison. It provides a more comprehensive approach to finding the best product and price.
Where do you get the information/reviews from?
Vetted gathers information and reviews from trusted sources on platforms such as Reddit, YouTube, and other reputable expert sites.
How do you make money?
Vetted generates revenue through affiliate partnerships with merchants. When users make a purchase through Vetted, we may earn a commission.
How are you handling my data?
Vetted values user privacy and handles data securely. We follow strict privacy policies and do not share personal information without consent.
Which countries do you support?
Vetted is available for users in all countries. However, please note that some features may be limited or not applicable in certain regions.
Do you have an app?
Currently, Vetted is only available as a web platform and browser extension. We do not have a dedicated mobile app at this time.

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