WebReader AI

Improve the browsing experience by allowing efficient interaction with text.
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WebReader AI Product Information

What is WebReader AI?
WebReader AI is a Chrome Extension that enhances users’ browsing experience by providing efficient reading and interaction with online text.
How to use WebReader AI?
To use WebReader AI, simply download and install the Chrome Extension. Once installed, it will automatically activate when you open a web page. You can customize the settings and preferences according to your needs.
Is WebReader AI compatible with other web browsers?
No, WebReader AI is currently only available as a Chrome Extension.
Can I change the display settings of WebReader AI?
Yes, you can customize the settings and preferences to personalize the displays.
Does WebReader AI work offline?
No, WebReader AI requires an internet connection to function.
Can WebReader AI read text in multiple languages?
Yes, WebReader AI supports reading text in multiple languages.

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