
Grammar and spelling correction for web apps and websites online.
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WebSpellChecker Product Information

What is WebSpellChecker?
Grammar check online and spelling correction solutions for websites and web apps
How to use WebSpellChecker?
Easily integrate WProofreader pre-built components with web apps, HTML controls and WYSIWYG editors. Install as a browser extension or access the WProofreader engine via grammar check API.
What languages are supported by WebSpellChecker?
WebSpellChecker supports 20+ languages, including English, German, and Spanish.
How does WebSpellChecker ensure data security?
Data in transit is encrypted with the TLS protocol. Additionally, WebSpellChecker offers on-premise deployment for security-conscious businesses.
What kind of support does WebSpellChecker provide?
WebSpellChecker responds within a business day to all sales and tech requests. They also provide guided installation assistance if needed.

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